
Meeting all your security needs.


At Aspectus, we also offer bespoke security services to our clients to meet their every need.


  • Consultancy Services include:

    We conduct full security audit assessments, red-teaming and intrusion exercises and security risks assessments survey for all our clients as a value added services to enhance their physical security and security systems.

Mobile Accident
Reporting Services

  • Mobile Accident Reporting Services

    As part of JP KNIGHTS PTE LTD (Adjusters & Surveyors) established since 2007, we provide insurance loss adjusting, claims assessments services, and Mobile Accident Reporting Services to vehicle Fleet Owners such as ComfortDelgro Taxis, Grab Car Rentals and insurance companies. We are an approved GIA Mobile Accident Reporting Centre appointed by insurance companies.  

Ready to work with us?

Speak to our team of experts to manage your risks today.